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Megazoic Characters
Like in the present-day world of humans, the dinosaurs of Megazoic have many different occupations and functions in their society. Some are builders, and some are soldiers. Some are scientists, and some are artists. Some have immeasurable wealth, and some live on the streets. Some are active societal workers, and some are video game addicts.
Despite the similar variety of jobs and lifestyles, however, these dinosaurs are much more united than modern humans in terms of social issues, and have no qualms with each other's species or gender. Most of this social equality stems from the way they reproduce. With a civilization of thousands of different species, dinosaurs quickly realized how unfeasible it would be to procreate the natural way. Therefore, they devised a system where each dinosaur is required by law to give a drop of blood to their government, which they then place into an overarching library. With the DNA samples of every individual dinosaur to build genetic variety, they artificially hatch dinosaurs within a lab to give to asking parents or raise for adoption. With this, dinosaurs are not limited by their physical species in selecting a mate, in the process making them all effectively the same species. They're all simply dinosaurs in a dinosaur civilization. This makes gender roles much less specialized as well. For example, human military forces are overwhelmingly male, while dinosaurs have an equal number of male and female soldiers.
Since the focus of the story of Megazoic is on action and warfare, most of the characters are involved in their nations' military, although not all of them. Some are illegally-operating bounty hunters. Some are scientists, whether good or bad. Some are royalty. Some are everyday civilians. And some, like the main character Kortan, are just fellows caught up in the action from their desire to help those in need.
Here are some of the many characters of Megazoic, with some expanded details not present in the main books. Work in progress!
" does not have to be enlisted in the Laurasia Corps to be a hero."
~ Empress Mikowan of the Laurasian Empire

A young, twenty-foot Sinraptor, Kortan is a civilian of the Laurasian Empire, although not a hatched citizen. His parents raised him in the Zalondu Kingdom pastures at the southern parts of the world, and for the first years of his life he worked at his family's farm, tending cycads, magnolias, and ginkgo plants as well as raising mammals, fish, and smaller reptiles. Kortan's heart was never in his family's work, however, and once a traveling caravan showed off some of the technological wonders of certain industries, he realized where his true passion lied. Lasers, gears, computers, and programming; all of it was fascinating to a dinosaur raised in such a rural lifestyle. Once he garnered enough money from working diligently at his family's farm, he immigrated to the Laurasian Empire, the country with the most opportunities.
From there, his progress has been slow but steady. After working as a tech support for various companies, Kortan finally secured a job as an engineer for a company in the city of Caroxis. Unfortunately, his Styracosaurus boss is not exactly fond of his dreams of progression, preferring to stick to tried-and-true procedures. Despite this, Kortan presses onward, knowing as long as he keeps working, he can earn better opportunities.
As Laurasia continues to endure its never-ending war against the Tyranneon Kingdom, Kortan wants to do all he can to help out, provided he doesn't have to become a soldier. Direct combat terrifies him, even if he won't admit it. He's fine crafting weapons and gadgets for Laurasia's soldiers, as long as he not the one using them. However, one day he goes a bit too far, prodding at the ever-mysterious technology of the Tyranneons and coming too close to its secret. The Tyranneons launch an all-out assault on a Laurasian city, taking his best friend and a Laurasia Corps commander captive. Now, Kortan must amend his mistake and venture deep into enemy territory to save his friend, even risking direct combat. And yes, it absolutely terrifies him.
The best friend and roommate of Kortan, Belar is a thirty-five-foot Edmontosaurus who's all hugs and smiles. He grew up with his mother, an elderly Hypsilophodon, in the Laurasian city of Caroxis. She taught him the virtues of a kind heart and reserved strength, lessons he cherished forever. Unfortunately, she passed away when he was only thirteen, and since he couldn't take care of himself yet, he enlisted in the Laurasia Corps to help serve his country. At this point, the war against the Tyranneon Kingdom had just started building in intensity, with raids within both country's borders growing increasingly frequent.
Belar fought hard in the Laurasia Corps, eventually being promoted to becoming Commander of the Iota Squad. The horrors of war eventually got to him though, and once his term of service ended he decided not to reenlist and returned home as a veteran. There, he met Kortan while trying to find a place to live in his old home city of Caroxis, and the two immediately became best friends.
Belar is an avid gamer, particularly in the massively-multiplayer genre. He often performs raids several dozen players strong on mighty bosses like the Bronto-God and the Suchus-Lords. Lately, he's communicated most often with a player named "xXSoldierOfVanquishingXx," who also claims to have the legal capability of getting close to Tyranneon tech. Belar trusts this player, although Kortan realizes this cannot end well.
The best friend and roommate of Kortan, Belar is a thirty-five-foot Edmontosaurus who's all hugs and smiles. He grew up with his mother, an elderly Hypsilophodon, in the Laurasian city of Caroxis. She taught him the virtues of a kind heart and reserved strength, lessons he cherished forever. Unfortunately, she passed away when he was only thirteen, and since he couldn't take care of himself yet, he enlisted in the Laurasia Corps to help serve his country. At this point, the war against the Tyranneon Kingdom had just started building in intensity, with raids within both country's borders growing increasingly frequent.
Belar fought hard in the Laurasia Corps, eventually being promoted to becoming Commander of the Iota Squad. The horrors of war eventually got to him though, and once his term of service ended he decided not to reenlist and returned home as a veteran. There, he met Kortan while trying to find a place to live in his old home city of Caroxis, and the two immediately became best friends.
Belar is an avid gamer, particularly in the massively-multiplayer genre. He often performs raids several dozen players strong on mighty bosses like the Bronto-God and the Suchus-Lords. Lately, he's communicated most often with a player named "xXSoldierOfVanquishingXx," who also claims to have the legal capability of getting close to Tyranneon tech. Belar trusts this player, although Kortan realizes this cannot end well.
A highly-skilled and merciless bounty hunter, Anra is a seven-foot Dromaeosaurus. Although she may be little, she is a ruthless killing machine when given a target, and can break into any chamber or building regardless of its security levels. She thrives on her enemies underestimating her, using her small size and comical-looking feathers to seem much less dangerous than she really is. She has no permanent allegiances, and the closest thing she has to a home is the blanket in her backpack, unconcerned about where she lays it.
With all of her skills in both fighting and infiltration, Anra considers herself superior to everyone around her, something that irks most dinosaurs that work with her. She rarely gives others a chance to prove themselves, preferring to take the lead in every mission. And if one doesn't have any money or a paying mission, she will rarely bother to converse with them. This kind of attitude means she has very few friends, and she often abandons anyone else with her on a mission once her job is complete.
Despite this, Anra constantly proves to be a valuable ally if given the proper convincing, usually the monetary kind. Taking lessons from both all her experiences and her old mentor many years back, she slaughters her targets with extreme prejudice, and returns from missions often unscathed. The Laurasia Corps might have uses for her in the future, particularly when their war against the Tyranneons continues to worsen.
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